Jumaat, 22 April 2011

x seperti dulu ;(

~my oppa~
shahazri hussein (sorry mia x mintak permission oppa)

why I think the relationship between us was getting away and not friendly?
If I have offended you or anything problem please forgive me
I thought we would make friends well in a long time .. but it seems as if broken in the middle of the road..But why this all happened ..? I like to be friends with you .. I hope you to be my best friend .. but seems like will not happen :( i fell so sad now oppa...before this you always comment on my facebook page .. but now no more .. but why is that.??..
although any matters that occurred after this..i would like to said and share with you
I am indeed very grateful to the oppa that has become a faithful listener of all the problems that happened in my life .. though not much, but I appreciate my heartfelt

I hope after this supposing that you already found another new friend .. you will not forget me

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